Saturday 6 August 2011


ACUPUNCTURE: ORIGIN OF ACUPUNCTURE: "THE ORIGIN OF ACUPUNCTURE The origin of acupuncture is shrouded in antiquity. Legend has it, that thousands of years ago a Chinese soldier ..."



The origin of acupuncture is shrouded in antiquity. Legend has it, that thousands of years ago a Chinese soldier developed a stiff and painful shoulder, what we would now call a frozen shoulder. He went to his doctor who despite his best efforts could not help him. So the soldier gradually accepted the idea of living with the pain. One day, during a battle, a miracle occurred. He was wounded in he leg and suddenly his shoulder which had been stiff and painful for many years, could move freely again without pain.
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When the soldier returned to his village, he told his doctor how his frozen shoulder had been miraculously cured. The doctor carefully examined his leg but could not understand how an arrow in the leg could cure a frozen shoulder. Another patient with a frozen shoulder was waiting to see the doctor. He overheard this story and said "Doctor please try this treatment on me". The doctor thought it was a rather silly idea, but since he had been treating this patient for many months without success, he decided to try it He took an arrow and, cautiously jabbed it into the patient's leg, at approximately the same spot where the soldier had been wounded. Wonders of wonders, the pain in the shoulder disappeared! In a few minutes the patient was able to move his shoulder freely and painlessly.
Since this cure seemed rather promising. The next time a patient came to the doctor with a frozen shoulder, he poked him in the leg with an arrow. Soon his fame as a specialist in curing frozen shoulders grew and spread throughout the country. As his practice grew, the doctor wondered whether he could apply the same principle to treat other ailments. So he asked his other patients if any of them had experienced similar miraculous cures. Gradually he discovered that injuries in certain areas had beneficial effects on ailments in other parts of the body. While this treatment was very effective, many patients were afraid to visit a doctor who poked his patients with arrows!
Over the years other methods were found to stimulate acupuncture points using needles instead of arrows. This initial accident was thus refined into the art of acupuncture. Today laserpuncture painlessly achieves the same effect as its ancestor the arrow, using a beam of pure light.